

Register to Join SAIL as an Individual

As a freelancer, artist, or maker, joining SAIL not only integrates you into a thriving community of like-minded individuals but also grants you privileges akin to those of large organisations:

  • Exclusive Access: Dive into our members area, tailored to meet the unique needs of independent professionals.
  • Comprehensive Training: Enjoy unrestricted access to our comprehensive online courses, encompassing Sustainable Events Management and any future courses we launch.
  • Resource Library: Access our vast repository of curated resources, helping you stay ahead in your craft.
  • Networking & Workshops: You’re invited! Join our workshops and events, designed with freelancers and individual artists in mind, to expand your network and collaborations.
  • Equipment & Resources Notifications: Stay in the loop about available tools and resources, essential for independent professionals.
  • Stay Updated: Directly receive our insightful e-newsletter, keeping you informed about industry trends and opportunities.
  • Contribute & Collaborate: Lend your voice by contributing to our e-newsletter and website—share your journey, insights, and artistry.
  • Freelancer & Artist Network: As a member, you’ll be an integral part of our regional network for freelancers and individual artists/makers. This network offers collaboration, support, and the collective strength of a community that understands the nuances of working independently in the creative sector.

After registering, you will receive a welcome email. Thank you for joining!