SAIL’s Newsletter Archive
Here, you can explore the full archive of newsletters shared with our members over the years. Each monthly edition is thoughtfully curated to bring you the latest updates from SAIL, member stories and achievements, upcoming events and workshops, funding opportunities, and a monthly jargon buster to simplify sustainability concepts.
With over 800 subscribers, our newsletters reflect the collective strength of our network in advancing sustainability within the creative and cultural sector.
Whether you’re seeking inspiration, resources, or just browsing out of curiosity, this archive offers the history of shared stories and progress in sustainability.
To subscribe to SAIL’s Monthly Newsletter, click the link below:
Newsletter Archive 2023 - 2024
We want to hear from you!
Have you accomplished something you want to share with the network? Do you have a story or progress update you’d like to share? or perhaps you need help with something and want to reach out to the community for support?
We encourage you to send us your stories and updates so they can be featured in the next newsletter edition. Your contributions are what make our newsletter really engaging!
We welcome submissions from a few sentences to several paragraphs, along with a cover photograph and any links or contact information you’d like to include.
Get in touch with us at [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you!