
Capacity building

SAIL is committed to equipping individuals and organisations within the creative and cultural sector with the knowledge and skills needed to implement sustainable practices and nurture a culture of environmental responsibility. Since our formation, we have been delivering Carbon Literacy training to the sector, with over 1000 people having completed our bespoke course. Our capacity-building initiatives encompass a range of offerings, including:


Our interactive workshops cover various sustainability topics, providing practical guidance on incorporating environmental considerations into daily operations. We tailor each session to the unique needs of the creative and cultural sector, ensuring that participants leave equipped with relevant and actionable knowledge.

An image of Paddy Dillon presenting on zoom in front of a room full of people, with information on "The Arts Green Book" on screen

Paddy Dillon presenting at the SAIL Arts Green Book event


Join our expert-led seminars to engage in discussions on the latest trends, best practices, and innovative solutions in the field of sustainability. These events are customised for the creative and cultural sector, enabling participants to explore strategies and ideas that resonate with their specific context and challenges.

SAIL's project coordinator, Helen Brook conducting a seminar on our climate change themed immersive reality project "Home Planet" at Leeds Arts University

Helen presents “Home Planet” to students at Leeds Arts University


Gain access to our curated collection of toolkits, guides, and case studies designed to support your sustainability journey. These resources provide valuable insights and practical advice on implementing sustainable practices and overcoming barriers to change.


We have developed a bespoke Carbon Literacy training course, specifically addressing the challenges of the creative and cultural industry. The day’s worth of learning equips participants with knowledge of the science behind climate change, as well as guidance on practical solutions that individuals can take to reduce their own carbon impact, as well as the impact of the organisations that they work in.

Our co-founder, Jamie Saye, delivering Carbon Literacy Training to a room full of professionals from the Creative and Cultural industries

Jamie Saye presenting Carbon Literacy training

Our Carbon Literacy training has received enthusiastic feedback from a diverse range of participants:

Rhian Read, a Fashion Branding with Communication student at Leeds Arts University, said, “This training has really opened my eyes to the issues surrounding the climate crisis and the best ways to tackle it both as an individual and in a community. It has made me completely rethink the way I want to live my life and I will always be working towards reducing my carbon footprint.”

Tobias Perkins, Head of Planning at Northern Ballet, shared, “Northern Ballet have been upskilling our staff by running Carbon Literacy Training, delivered through SAIL. Our organisation is made up of people with diverse skill sets, and to deliver change in our approach to Environmental Responsibility, one of the best things we can do is to share knowledge as widely as possible across the organisation. Carbon Literacy Training allows us to do that.”

By participating in SAIL’s capacity-building initiatives, you can equip yourself and your organisation with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed choices and drive meaningful change.